terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2009

Jenny, a esposa traída do governador republicano Mark Sanford, num especial para a Vogue

«Mark Sanford's estranged wife Jenny — the most interesting person in that whole scandal with the best quotes — opens up to Vogue magazine for its September issue. Snippets:

On her husband: “It never occurred to me that he would do something like that. The person I married was centered on a core of morals. The person who did this is not centered on those morals.”

“Everybody would like to escape sometimes. I’d like somebody 5,000 miles away I could E-mail. It’s not exclusive to men, but I know that isn’t realistic.”

“Mark is not a bad person … what the world saw in that press conference is someone who is struggling. None of us are perfect. We are all trying to do the best we can. I also feel sorry for the other woman … All I can do is pray for her because she made some poor choices. Mark made some poor choices. A lot of people were brought down by this and I am sure that is not what they wanted.”

What’s next: “All I can do is forgive. Reconciliation is something else, and that is going to be a harder road. I have put my heart and soul into being a good mother and wife. Now I think it’s up to my husband to do the soul-searching to see if he wants to stay married. The ball is in his court.”»

in Shenanigans -- the lighter side of politics, blogue associado do site POLITICO.com

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Presidente Americano dos Estados Unidos E. U. A. Obama apoia o Imperador já sendo destaques nos ultimos noticiarios... Ninguem vê o seu rosto só sabem disso...SR Imperador Juntamente com o Presidente do Paraguay, Brasil e apoio do Presidente do Irã, que acredita ser desnecessária a guerra atomica visto que os alvos são tão vissiveis temos que descobrir o que eles descobriram se reportando ao imperador do mundo arabe.... - N1H1 ou Gripe Suína ma mira da Casa Branca...Falam em derramamento de sangue e muitas prissões para alavancar Saúde e Desenvolvimento Sustentaveis.

Anónimo disse...

Mundo em Guerra Mundial Alvos Desarmados....
Presidente Americano na duvida do que fazer.